So I've gained quite a lot for the past 6 weeks. It's an alarming 15 lbs, and I owe this to the 1 month of hypo allergenic diet. And since I am on my self-imposed house arrest until I get my immunities up and running like they used to, I decided to purchase these exercise bands online as substitute for lifting weights:
Feb 28, 2013
#6. Day 82: Hair and Bands
So I've gained quite a lot for the past 6 weeks. It's an alarming 15 lbs, and I owe this to the 1 month of hypo allergenic diet. And since I am on my self-imposed house arrest until I get my immunities up and running like they used to, I decided to purchase these exercise bands online as substitute for lifting weights:
So I've gained quite a lot for the past 6 weeks. It's an alarming 15 lbs, and I owe this to the 1 month of hypo allergenic diet. And since I am on my self-imposed house arrest until I get my immunities up and running like they used to, I decided to purchase these exercise bands online as substitute for lifting weights:
Feb 27, 2013
#5. Aaron
I met you at work, and eventually, what shouldn't have happened just happened. It was such a big boo boo. I know I shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with a coworker, but I thought back then that you were the perfect guy. Perfect skin, perfect body, fine taste for food and dining, didn't smoke, didn't drink, a masters degree up your sleeve and of course the romance that came in between.
I met you at work, and eventually, what shouldn't have happened just happened. It was such a big boo boo. I know I shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with a coworker, but I thought back then that you were the perfect guy. Perfect skin, perfect body, fine taste for food and dining, didn't smoke, didn't drink, a masters degree up your sleeve and of course the romance that came in between.
Feb 26, 2013
#3. Day 80: Vaccine
Today was a very productive day for me. My trip to RITM has always been productive and delightful, and today is no exception, except for one not-so-good news:
Feb 25, 2013
#2. Day 79: Recap
So it's been 79 days since I was diagnosed to be HIV+. It was a rollercoaster ride, and I would say time flies quite fast.
Below is a quick summary of the highlights of the past 79 days of my HIV'd life:
Feb 24, 2013
#1. Welcome!
Dear Reader,
Welcome, and thanks for stumbling upon my blog page! I'd be very curious to hear how you came across my page (you can leave it in the comments box).
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