May 12, 2013

#35. An Impromptu Rendezvous With

I had always been apprehensive when it comes to meeting people with the same status and it perplexes me, as I believe I have the strongest support system ever- the entire family. Then I have non-mutant friends as well for extra armament. So what's so scary about meeting other virused brothers out there?

None. Turns out, I've been creating my own monsters all along.

So yesterday, I was invited by my neighborhood friends to join a little get-together for people living with HIV. Again, I was apprehensive, but then, I've already figured this out, I told myself. The worst that could probably happen is see someone that I might have had intimacy with in the past, but I know I can always deal with the situation. Seeing someone from my non-mutant sphere is also a possibility, and that would always be easier to deal with. It could actually be fun, if that's the case.

So to cut the long story short, I attended the dinner party. And the mutants started coming in one by one. I have finally put not just faces to the twitter entities I've been communicating with for months, but also personalities. These were people who have, in their small ways, helped me in their own unique virtual ways. 

I wish I was able to stay a bit longer but I had to travel and pass by 12 towns to reach my home, so I left a bit earlier. And now as I write this, I can't help but be literally amazed at how these people are managing themselves. In my opinion, they are very witty, funny, talented, skilled and professional people who are INDEED no different from anyone else. I'd like to stress on WITTY and FUNNY because really, these people have made me laugh and smile with every tiny remark. I guess we wouldn't be called "Gay" and "Queer" for nothing, that's why it's always such a happy mood when our kind is around.

I'm super happy to have finally met @PhyroHunter (who made me realize that the word "mutant" actually sounds better) and @PositiveIsko. And of course, thanks to my neighbors @JonStayCool @possiecat83 and @ILuvMyPossieCat for inviting me over and introducing me to a bunch of fun people. Thank you, too, @nancybinay for making me appreciate the light of the day. Literally.

Until the next. :)

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